The Top 9 Secrets For Writing An Attractive About Page


Wow, you’ve just gotten a new visitor on your blog. Congratulations!

From the look of things, they found your blog posts very interesting and are now wondering if you’re someone they can connect with. Who knows? Maybe you’re a good fit for a potential business partnership.

So they decide to find out more about you.

Obviously, the first place to start finding more about you is the About Page.

(Interestingly, the “About Page” is also the most viewed page of many popular websites.)

Unfortunately, your new visitor can’t locate your “About Page”, or worse, they saw one which sucked.

Because of this, they decide to take their business proposal somewhere else because they came to conclusion that you’re not a serious professional.

As dramatic as it may sound, you just lost a potential client.

Let me ask you:

  • How many prospects have you lost in the past because of this reason?
  • How many more can you afford to lose?

(I’m sure you won’t be able to provide answers to these questions because you don’t know the answer.)

In case you’ve never heard this before, pay attention:

You should check your Google Analytics stats to see for yourself.

Here are the stats of ShoutMeLoud’s “About” page:

About page Stats
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Today, the internet is inundated with lots of fake people. Before anyone does business with a stranger, they will start by checking the About Page.

But here’s the bad news:

  • Your About Page will destroy your website if you don’t give it adequate attention.

4 Reasons To have an awesome “About Me” page?

Importance of About Me Page
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1. It defines the personality of the blog.

An “About Me” page is the foundation of your site. This single page tells the reader about you — who you are, what you do, and what your blog is all about.

It contains some important information about your website, service, or organization. This is a page where you tell the readers about your company, and the place where you describe your achievements and strong points.

For example, a company’s “About Us” page should contain the following information:

  • When the was the company founded.
  • Where the company is located.
  • The company’s vision.
  • The number of employees.
  • A general description of what the company does.
  • Achievements and goals.

You can begin with something about yourself, your blog’s foundation, your achievements, your vision for the future, what do you do, and what action your users can take next to benefit the most from visiting your blog/website.

2. People want to connect with real people.

If you check your analytics, you will see that your “About Me” page is likely one of the most viewed pages of your site. This shows that people are interested in knowing who you are.

For this reason, you should maintain a human touch. Add in some humor or personal flair, while still maintaining a clear level of professionalism.

If a group of people are involved in your company, you can link to a page of your website that introduces your colleagues. This will allow readers to know more about your team/company.

They also might be interested in connecting with you via social media.

Add in a few ways that users can communicate with you.

3. It builds trust and authority.

Including testimonials and videos in your “About Me” page helps you to not only gain trust with your readers, but it also builds authority in your niche.

If you have been featured in some famous blogs, journals, or newspapers, or you have received an award for your work, don’t hesitate to mention it. People love learning from the best.

Important: Make sure the contact info in your “About Me” page (that I talked about above) is up-to-date. If this is outdated information, you will lose trust!

4. It’s a great landing page.

Since your “About Me” page is among the most viewed pages of your website, you should use it to direct your readers/customers to other important pages of your website, such as your social media pages or any other resource page.

Here is an example of the “About Me” page from ShoutMeLoud:

ShoutMeLoud About page
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Like every other page, your “About Me” page should have some kind of call to action. Decide what action you want your readers to take, and ask them to take that action.

Creating a perfect About Page is often neglected by many newbie bloggers. This is because striking the right balance between marketing yourself to your audience and scaring them away with a self-focused approach is often a difficult line to walk for most people.

The good news is your About Page does not require any magic touch to stand out (nor does it require any expensive ancient rhinestones).

I was carrying out some research on this topic and thought it would be good to share with you nine (9!) tested, easy to apply techniques that I picked up from some of my favorite “About Pages” on the internet.

You can use them right now to revamp your own About Page.

By the time you finish reading this post, you’ll not only discover what makes a perfect About Page, you’ll also learn how to apply it to your own site.

So let’s learn the art of writing a high-converting About Page.

9 Tested and Proven Techniques to Revamp Your About Page Today

1. It’s not about you, make it about your audience:

Us humans are often more concerned about ourselves than we are about others. That’s just human nature.

Even if you’re the type that likes giving to charity, when it comes to sourcing products and services, we’re often more concerned about ourselves and what we can get from the product.

Most bloggers often make the mistake of using their About Page as a place to talk about themselves… and that’s all.


This is why you should first focus on them. You need to be customer oriented this way; they will feel at home the moment they land on your About Page.

Don’t know how to go about that? Follow these simple steps:

  1. While writing your About Page, your opening sentence(s) should be directed at your audience’s needs.
  2. Prove to them you’re different. Show them why you can be trusted. 
    • They’ve seen so many blogs out there that promised to address their problems, but ended up disappointing them. You can show them you’re different by telling them about some of your wins in the past, the awards you’ve collected (if any), and display some social proof.

2. Show them where to go:

After you’ve shown them why you’re the right person to listen to, the next thing to do is to show them what to read on your blog.

The second part of your About Page should be used to give your visitor lots of opportunities to dive into the experience of your site.


  • Link back to some of your most popular posts. As a blogger, don’t ever miss an opportunity to link internally to your other posts. If there are any posts on your blog that were well received when they were published, link back to it on your About Page.
  • Do you have an active YouTube channel? This is also the time to show them any of your popular videos on YouTube. If not, you can at least add links to your YouTube page or any other social networking site where you are most active. Giving a social touch is highly recommended for any About Page. Show them you’re well received, and they’ll like you more.

This will further strengthen their trust in you (which is what you want).

3. Tell them who you are:

At this point, you’ve convinced them your blog is for them. They now understand that you care about them and you’ve also shown them some things to read in order to get more familiar with the kind of work you do.

Now it’s time to tell them about you.

Tell them all of the interesting things about you.

  • Talk about your past failures and current successes.
  • Tell them how, when, and why you started your business.
  • Empathize with them by letting them know that it also wasn’t easy for you.

What ugly experiences have you encountered before? Tell them how you overcame them.

Here is an example from Darren Rowse’s blog:

Dareen Rowse About Page
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It doesn’t matter if your brand does not have an interesting story; you still have to tell a story (very important). 

Focus on the things that make you a human & you will connect with your readers (they’re humans too).

4. Don’t forget to include your pictures:

The benefits of this one cannot be overemphasized.

Most people often make the mistake of ignoring this. Don’t be one of them.

You absolutely should have your picture on your About Page. Your readers want to know who you are and what you look like.

And you also want them to like and trust you. Including your picture on your About Page will dramatically increase your trustability/likability levels.

If you fail to do this, one of the consequences is that you’ll forever remain a mystery. That’s not what you want.

  • Important: When choosing a picture, don’t select something Photoshopped; you should use a good, authentic picture of yourself.
Zan johnson about page
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That’s the image Zac Johnson uses in his About Page. You can see how real and original it looks.

It doesn’t matter what picture you’re using as long as it’s a genuine picture of you.

5. Allow your customers to do the talking on your behalf:

When you’re thinking of buying a product on Amazon and you’re not sure if it’s a good fit or not, who do you turn to?

Do you base your conclusion on what the product owner says about it, or do you turn to the people that have already used it?

I’m guessing you choose the latter.

That’s exactly how it is in blogging. People always find it easier to believe you if you have a few people talking about you in a positive manner.

By adding good, up-to-date customer testimonials on your About Page, you’ll make it easier for your readers to trust you and choose you over your competitors.

Remember to add the customer’s full name together with any other of his/her details that will further boost the credibility of your testimonials.

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As you can see from the screenshot above, these brands are talking about Derek Halpern. I think it’s safe to say that this image alone will win him many clients. It’s not really because of what they said, but because of the people that said it.

Again, social proof is very important.

6. Add your address and contact details to your About Page:

Adding your real and up-to-date contact details will help to solidify trust in your new relationship. If this info is out-of-date, you will lose out on a lot of potential business opportunities and you will lose a lot of trust.

Don’t forget to also include your email, social media handles, and/or Skype details to make it easy for them to contact you digitally.

Some of your clients will want to have a little conversation with you before they decide to give you their money.  Make it easy for them to get in touch with you.

However, you may want to skip adding your personal contact details if you are growing fast. I have personally removed my details after the first 3 years of blogging due to an overwhelming number of emails & calls.

7. Write in simple to understand terms:

It doesn’t matter if you have a Ph.D. in the English language, your readers don’t care. When writing your About Page, write in simple and unambiguous English.

Your readers won’t remember anything about you if your About Page is filled with jargon. Tell them what they want to know (in this case, what you do) in simple English.

If your About Page is interesting to read, your readers will be happy and will want to spread the word.

Writing in a conversational tone will help to achieve this.

The Adventurists‘ About Page is a good example of this. It’s very enjoyable to read and it really serves its purpose.

Here’s a screenshot:

About Us — The Adventurists
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Tip: Don’t make the mistake of naming your About Page something vague like Our Journey or Our Ethos. That’s not what people are looking for. They want to see your “About Page”, so give it to them.

8. Include a call-to-action:

This is one of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen people making.

  • Not having a call-to-action on your About Page is crazy.

A call-to-action is anything that encourages your readers to take a desired action. It could as simple as having an email subscription signup form (recommended) for them to join your email list.

The reason why this is so important is because you want your readers to stay with you for a long time.

Without an optin form, they can come to your site today and forget the URL the moment they close the tab. Then you’ve potentially lost them forever.

A perfect example of this can be found at Amy Lynn’s About Page:

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The form doesn’t have to be sexy; it just has to work.

  • Make sure to include a call-to-action on your About Page.

This is seriously a no-brainer.

Remember, it’s one of your most popular pages so leverage that traffic and use it to your advantage.

9. Tell them what to expect from you:

Your readers are now done reading your About Page.

The good news is they’ve found it very interesting and inspiring. Because of this, they’ve given you their email address (which means they’ve decided to stick around).

Now what?

The next thing is to tell them what they’ll be expecting from you.

There are a couple of things you should let them know:

  1. What days of the week/times you update your blog.
  2. How often you will be emailing them.
  3. The type of content they should always expect to see on your blog.

Have you worked on your About Page yet?

If you remember nothing else from this post, remember this:

Your About Page carries a heavy weight.

It’s one of the most active pages on your website. This is why you should make it worth reading.

  • Remember the old saying: “The first impression is the last impression.”

Don’t create a boring About Page that will make your readers leave. You will kill your business.

If your blog’s About Page is lacking any of these elements I’ve mentioned here, you should consider revisiting it. It may take you some time, but the rewards down the road will be well worth it.

If you have yet to write an About Page or your About Page sucks, you should write/fix it now.

How are you making your About Page stand out? Drop your About Page link in the comment section below!

Don’t forget to share this post on social media and with your friends because “You share, I share, let’s make the world aware”…

Here are a couple of hand-picked articles for further reading:

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Authored By
A Blogger, Author and a speaker! Harsh Agrawal is recognized as a leader in digital marketing and FinTech space. Fountainhead of ShoutMeLoud, and a Speaker at ASW, Hero Mindmine, Inorbit, IBM, India blockchain summit. Also, an award-winning blogger.

65 thoughts on “The Top 9 Secrets For Writing An Attractive About Page”

  1. Sabina

    I read somewhere that 4 lines are sufficient for an about page. But, after reading your article, I realised that how much importance it is. I am going to rewrite my about page.

  2. arindam biswas

    After reading this post i create my about page very smoothly.thankyou man.

  3. Vikal Singh

    Hey Harsh,

    Realy very valuable post for the new blogger like me. I will definitely improve our “about me” page.


  4. Nayan Kariya

    Hello Harsh, here is the about us page of my blog This page is very simple and we have make it in such a way that it can attract the readers fast. Your tips are nice as always. I am following many tips of yours. Keep up the great work Harsh.

  5. Tunde Sanusi (Tuham)

    Wow! This is absolutely great and i must confess that i’ve been a victim of neglecting the about me page on my tech blog. Thanks for sharing this Harsh Agrawal!
    really really appreciate:)

  6. Rakshita Sharma

    Thank you Harsh for posting this great article. I have learnt so much and already changed copy on one of my sites. Every one of these is different but at the same time seamlessly powerful.

  7. swayam

    Outstanding tips for creating a perfect about me page! Nice Harsh to see one of most beautiful post again.

  8. Shibam Kar

    Harsh Sir, Your ideas are great. I have a blog and I left my about me page blank. But now, your great ideas are forcing me to make an attractive one. I am going to write. Thanks for sharinggggggggg!!!!!

  9. samuel igwe

    very interesting i think i have alot to do on my about page thank you sir for opening the secret of about page

  10. Vishwajeet Kumar

    Great Article harsh. I actually did not pay any attention to revamp my about us Page. I also didn’t realize how about me page made some influence on my blogging career. But After reading the potentiality of a about me page i start to make it more attractive and user friendly.

  11. Lubuzine

    Another great piece of work Harsh.
    I have been struggling to write my About us page since quite a while and Though my content is good and I am getting good response still I know My About Us Page sucks. Now you have eased it for me. I will keep all this point in my mind and soon will upload a fresh About us page.

    Thanks a lot

  12. Charles Emmanuel

    Another Harsh long classic!

    Thank you very much. It’s true the most visited page of blogs is the about page.

    Because, people don’t want to do business with total strangers. They want to know who is who in the market.. Because chances are like me they’ve been ripped off in the past.

    Hash, what I love the most about this post is the need to use empathy to connect positively with our readers. also you also let the about page be about our readers by shifting focus..

    You demonstrated that in the introduction of this post.

    Thanks alot Harsh.

    I will share this right now

  13. Misha

    Such a great article!! We will definitely makes this awesome improvements to our about us page.
    Thank you so much Sir, for your suggestion!!

    1. Lavesh

      And sir there is no so much subscribtions or testimonials for my site that s why
      I am not adding it
      and sir plz help me for putting ads

  14. Vibudh

    Great Article Harsh,
    I was seriously confused about writing the “About Page” but this article removed all my doubts and confusions. Now I will write an About page for my blog easily..

  15. Abhay Kumar Pandey

    Thanks Harsh for this article today I am going to write my “About Page” which is pending from last 2 months . 🙂

  16. Harpreet Kumar

    sir u have provided a deep information to create a beneficial about page. everyone will get advantage from ur suggestions

  17. Cindy Tiew

    Thank you, Harsh! For this “Writing An Attractive About Page” post, I didn’t know there are so many interesting and easy to do ideas on doing the about page. Awesome 🙂

  18. Bheru lal gaderi

    Hey harsh realy i did make this misteck now i ill work on it this thanks again. Im ur regular reader and every day i learn new from shoutmeloud. Hope some day i ill meet to you parsnoly

  19. Vishal Jaiswal

    After reading this article, I know the actual importance of “About Us” page. Before I thought that it just for Google AdSense approval. Every blogger should be follow this.

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