5 Debunked Myths About Being A Digital Nomad


I love what I do.

I would not want to be doing anything else.

Being a digital nomad is great. I get to travel, meet new people, speak different languages, mingle with new and exciting cultures, and learn a whole lot about a world that I didn’t know existed.

And I can sustain this level of nomadicism with my digital work.

Currently, I’m working here at SML as an editor. I’m also a freelance writer, I’ve run part-time businesses before (with very part-time earnings), and soon I’ll be starting up my own blog.

All of these things take place on the internet (with the exception of writing, but posting articles and getting paid requires the internet), so all of these things can be done wherever there’s internet connection.

But being a digital nomad is more than one of these romantic dreams that gets touted by self-professed “internet gurus” that try and sell you their products.

I’m here to say:

  • It’s not a particularly glamorous lifestyle.

I’m not sipping Piña Coladas with the Sultan of Brunei on a secluded Thai beach 24/7. Sure, maybe on my day off I’ll do that, but the Sultan of Brunei is also a pretty busy guy.

Really, most of the day I’m working. I’ve got a lot to do and only so much time to do it.

5 Myths About Being A Digital Nomad

I often hear a lot of myths around being a digital nomad. And while some of them may be true for some people, they’re definitely not true for a majority of people.

Here are 5 common myths that need dispelling:

1. I’m rich

If we’re talking about rich in spirit, then yes, I must admit, I’m totally awesome.

But most people also assume I have a lot of money. Surely I must be living a life of luxury if I can afford to travel 24/7.

digital nomad
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Which one of my private jets should I take to Tahiti today?

Well, no, actually.

I’m not rich.

In fact, by USA standards (my home country), I’m really poor.

Part of the reason I travel is because I can’t afford to live in the USA. That’s definitely not all of the reason, but it’s part of it.

Ready for this truth bomb?

It’s cheaper for me to fly around Asia than it is for me live in the cheapest parts of the States.

Now, that said, the USA is a particularly egregious and expensive place to live, but it does say something about my earnings when I can’t even afford to live in my home country.

  • Myth: All digital nomads are rich.
  • Here’s the truth: By “western” standards, I’m hysterically poor.

2. I do awesome things all the time.

I know you have those Facebook friends that are always posting pictures of their great, adventurous lives while you’re sitting there thinking, “Hey, that douchebag from high school is living such a great life while I’m over here wasting away…”

But the reality is that that one picture is an atypical experience. No one is living that kind of lifestyle 24/7.

Part of the reason that I hate Facebook is because of this selective picking and choosing of what we allow ourselves to show our “friends”. It’s important to remember that what we see on Facebook is not real life.

The reality is that digital nomads are spending most of their time engaged in work projects, sleeping in cramped busses, and dealing with daily logistical issues.

Now, I can definitely post a bunch of pictures of me that will make you jealous of where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. And while these moments do indeed define much of my experience, they’re not representative of the overwhelming majority of my time.

I’m not “living the life” that you might think I am simply because all of the pictures I post on Facebook are of me sipping Piña Coladas with the Sultan of Brunei.

Here’s an example…

I’m on a train right now going through the mountains in the south of China. Here’s a picture I just took:

Mountains in the south of China
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“Beautiful day riding through the mountains in China. #DigitalNomadLife”

It looks pretty, right?

Well, the scenery is nice…

Here’s that same train ride with the camera pointed the other way:

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“What’s that smell? Is it pee? I think it’s pee. #DigitalNomadLife”

There’s no power, no internet, it’s cramped, it’s smelly, there are people loudly talking on their cell phones, babies screaming, people snoring, people smoking (on a train!!), this table is really dirty, and my tiny seat could be the most uncomfortable seat I’ve ever sat on in my entire life.

So keep that in mind next time you see me posting the first picture on Facebook.

Because, even for me, a digital nomad, life is usually still pretty rough.

  • Myth: Digital nomads are “living the life”.
  • Here’s the truth: A vast majority of the time, being a digital nomad is not very “fun”.

3. I can work anywhere there’s the internet.

OK, this one is completely true.

But there’s something else that is also true:

  • I spend most of my day looking for the internet.

For most work-from-home people, they do just that- work from home. At their homes, there’s usually pretty decent internet.

For me, I could never “work from home”. I’m a nomad; I need to move. Even if I find a homestay or guesthouse with WiFi, I’ll only “work from home” for 50% (at most) of the time. What’s the point of being in a foreign land if you don’t mingle with the local culture at least a little?

But here’s the catch: Many foreign lands have frustratingly slow (or no) internet.

I spend hours on buses and trains, hunting for a place with WiFi that will let me chill there for at least several hours. And finding that place is often very difficult.

Depending upon where I go, many of these places will have an unwillingly slow internet connection causing me to not be able to do what I need to do. That connection will usually drop out at really important moments and/or become unworkably slow.

Right now, I spent over two hours trying to upload the few pictures that are in this post.


Looking for internet
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“You want ‘good’ internet? I’ve never heard of that model before…”


Part of being a nomad is finding and coveting sustenance. For a digital nomad, that sustenance is the internet. Drinking in a nice, big glass of internet is pretty fulfilling when you’ve been traversing a mostly internet desert for a really long time.

But for a traveler, that sustenance is new cultures and experiences. Sitting in a Starbucks in Jakarta is a lot like sitting in a Starbucks in Dayton, Ohio. Nothing new and exciting there.

Trying to find a balance between the priority of traveling and the priority of working is a refined skill set that I have yet to master.

If my friends say, “Hey Eric, we’re going into the jungle for 3 days. Wanna come?”

I have to either work double time to ensure all of my workflow gets done (which means finding an internet source for 2 or more 10+ hour days) or hold out hope that there’ll be some slivers of internet in the jungle (which is… eh, not typical).

Or I have to say that I can’t go (which is a torturous decision that I sometimes need to make).

One of my least favorite images is of the “guru” lounging on a beach chair sipping cocktails while pretty people fan them and rub their feet. They call this “work” because they have their laptops with them.

OK, Mr. I Need To Validate My Lifestyle So You’ll Give Me Money In Order To Perpetuate This Lifestyle That’s Based Entirely On The Broken Promises Of Those Whom I Swindle, you may be “working” like this right now, but you’re probably not getting much done.

There’s not likely to be internet there, and if there is, it’s probably so slow that you’ve downed six or seven cocktails by the time your website finally loads, and now you’re too drunk to work anyway.

My office for the day
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“My office for the day. #ThereIsSandBecauseItsAnInternetDesert”

Sounds fun, sure, but it’s not productive. And if it’s not productive, it’s not sustainable.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: There’s no substitute for hard work. You won’t be an exception to the rule. It’s not going to happen.

Note: Luckily for me, I’m a writer, so being without internet can still be productive. For instance, I wrote the majority of this on a 10-hour bus ride. (And I’m now editing this on a 23-hour train ride.)

  • Myth: The internet is everywhere, and it is always a friend.
  • Here’s the truth: The internet almost always sucks in the places I want to spend most of my time.

4. I can travel anywhere I want.

Apart from the aforementioned internet issue, this one is a little more nuanced.

Let me drop a little more truth here:

  • Going through customs is not always easy when no one understands what “being a digital nomad” means.

Here’s a fun story:

I was staying in Malaysia for almost 3 months. My visa was for 90 days. When I entered Malaysia, I thought, “Oh cool. I have 90 days to stay in Malaysia”.

I calculated the exact date I needed to leave so I wouldn’t overstay my visa, and I actually left a few days before my necessary departure date. Total win!

Or so I thought…

Apparently, in Malaysia, even though I had 90 days, I wasn’t really supposed to stay for 90 days. I know, it doesn’t make sense to me either, but that’s what the Malaysian border agents told me. I got held up at the border while three agents asked me repeatedly why I was staying in the country for so long.

Border Agent: “What were you doing in Malaysia for almost three months?”

Me: “I was visiting a friend, traveling, and spending time getting to know the country.”

BA: “Yeah, but what were you doing?”

Me: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand the question.”

BA: “You were here for three months.”

Me: “Yeah.”

BA: “Were you working?”

…so here’s the dilemma…

If I say, “Yes”, then I am insinuating that I was illegally working in a foreign country.

If I say, “No”, then I am setting myself up for a litany of questions about how I get money (of which drug dealing is usually an obvious suspicion).

Here’s what the typical “Yes” conversation looks like:

BA: “Were you working?”

Me: “Yes. I work online.”

BA: “So you were working here.”

Me: “Well, yes, sort of… but I don’t work for a company in your country.”

BA: “But if you enter here on a tourist visa, you aren’t allowed to work.”

Me: “Right, but I’m entering for social purposes, not for work.”

BA: “But you’re working.”

Me: “Techincally speaking, yes, but I’m always working. And it has nothing to do with why I’m entering your country.” (although it kind of does)

BA: “So you travel and work?”

Me: “Exactly.”

BA: “But if you’re here for work purposes, you need to get a work visa.”

Me: “But I’m not here for work purposes, I’m here to travel.”

BA: “While you work?”

Me: “Yes.”

BA: “Are you planning on coming back here?”

Me: “At some point, maybe.”

BA: “Why?”

Me: “Because I like to travel around.”

BA: “In order to work?”

Me: “Well, not really. Because I like the country.”

BA: “When are you going back to your home country?”

Me: “Ehh.. I don’t know.”

BA: “You don’t know?”

Me: “Not really, no.”

BA: “But you’re working here…?”

Me: “Sort of, but not really, well, sort of… no? I don’t know. I’m confused now.”

(and so on…)

This conversation usually gets escalated to at least two superiors. After several rounds of the exact same questions, they realize they’ve wasted enough time with me and let me go.

To counter this, here’s the typical “No” conversation:

BA: “Were you working?”

Me: “No.”

BA: “So you were here for so long without a source of employment.”

Me: “Right.”

BA: “So where do you get money?”

Me: “I have a savings.”

BA: “From a previous job?”

Me: “Something like that.”

BA: “Something like that?”

Me: “Yeah, well, I work online. So in between jobs, I travel.”

BA: “You work online?”

Me: “Yeah.”

BA: “So were you working online here?”

Me: “Ehh…”

(cue “Yes” conversation)

And this is a very common occurrence.

Now, I know you’re supposed to lie at the border, but I have a hard time lying about my livelihood. It makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong.

And getting questioned like this also feels like some kind of mini-existential crisis because it makes me feel like my lifestyle is somehow not allowed.

Also, I’m a bad liar, so telling the truth always makes me look a lot less sketchy right from the beginning.

This will typically happen once every 1-3 months depending upon how long I stay somewhere (and how relaxed the border agents are). But the questions get even more intense if I decide to re-enter a country I’ve already been to.

Digital Nomad
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“Welcome to Mala.. Hey, you were just here. Why are you here again?”

Here’s the most annoying part:

  • I’m from the USA.

I can roll up to most borders and they’ll just give me a visa. I almost never have to apply for one in advance.

This privilege is what allows me to be so laissez-faire about the whole thing.

I can’t even imagine what this process would be like for someone with a “less valuable” passport. (Actually, I can, because I’ve met some of them, and the things they need to go through are terrifyingly unnecessary.)

I can get away with this behavior because I represent some cultural ideal of “high class”- which is, of course, utter nonsense.

For those digital nomads who come from a less globally dominant country, traveling freely around the world requires much more money (for things like visa applications), time (for things like waiting 2 months for visa approval), patience (for things like having to resubmit when your visa request is denied and waiting another 2 months), and persistence (for things like continuing to persevere in the face of societally irrelevant hardships).

Even still, as a US citizen, I’ve been held up for hours at borders (including the Canadian border (!!!)) just because they couldn’t understand why I do what I do.

Note: I’ve yet to be denied entry into any country. Again, I credit this luck to my US passport.

  • Myth: Digital nomads can go anywhere at any time.
  • Here’s the truth: Getting around the world with an “alternative” lifestyle is not always that easy.

5. I’m living a dream life.

There’s no question that doing this is fun.

I definitely enjoy it.

I couldn’t think of anything else I would want to do at this moment in time.

But is this a dream life? Of course not.

I sleep on floors, I miss out on great adventures because I’m working, I struggle to find my Precious (internet) which threatens my livelihood, I often spend all day on a cramped bus (without my Precious), and I work so hard that it often doesn’t matter where I am in the world- all I see is my computer.

Living a dream life
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If by “dream life” you mean literally asleep and dreaming, then yes, I sleep a lot.

The gurus will have you believe that you can spend all day on the beach earning millions in passive income. And while there’s a little truth to some of that, that’s likely not going to happen to 99% of digital nomads out there.

And what those gurus won’t tell you is that they spent years not making any money, then they finally started making enough money to be able to travel to a beach to take a picture, and then everyone started paying them because they saw a guy on a beach saying, “YOU COULD BE HERE!!!”

And here’s something else they aren’t telling you: Every “internet guru” stares at their computer screen for 12 hours a day, regardless of where they are in the world.

  • That’s not a dream; that’s real life.

Being a digital nomad requires constant hard work, just like everything else.

It’s a lot like living a life in a house. The only differences are the specific logistical hurdles.

I don’t worry about paying rent, I worry about finding the cheapest ticket to my next destination.

I don’t worry about how to pay my electric bill, I worry about passing through customs unhindered every 1-3 months.

I don’t worry about furnishing my house, I worry about finding decent internet.

There are moments where I look at others and I think about how being stationary must be so nice. I think about how having stability must feel pretty rewarding.

But I need to remind myself that I’ve chosen this path because I was unsatisfied with the “stable” path in the first place. And I need to remind myself that I’m now happier than I’ve ever been before.

It’s very easy to forget why we’re doing something when we don’t feel immediate gratification.

Us humans are terrible at gaining perspective. We’re always suffering from something I call GIGS- Grass Is Greener Syndrome. We always think that the “grass is greener” wherever we aren’t.

And I’m no exception.

When I’m having a moment of despair, it’s usually because I look on Facebook and I see someone else doing something better, more awesome, and more exciting. And I need to remind myself that their life is not better than mine.

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“If I was on top of that mountain, I would have a better view. Life sucks.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re an office worker or a digital nomad; life, in general, is never going to be “perfect”.

  • Myth: Digital nomads have figured everything out.
  • Here’s the truth: Life, very frequently, still sucks.

Being A Digital Nomad Is Great, But It’s Not Everything You May Think It Is

This post is not to discourage people from becoming digital nomads. As I’ve mentioned at the beginning of this piece, being a digital nomad is seriously a wonderful thing.

I love it.

But it’s far from the romantic dream life most internet marketing gurus make it out to be.

It comes with its fair share of troubles and hardships, pains and frustrations.

But for those that find this kind of thing exciting, it’s a great lifestyle.

If you like exploring new places, traveling around the world, meeting new friends, and sampling new cultures, then by all means, you should try to be a digital nomad. But you should also not expect too much.

[Tweet “You aren’t going to become a millionaire without a million dollars worth of work. That has never happened and will never happen.”] [Tweet ” You aren’t going to be beach-hopping with the Sultan of Brunei (but I can give you his number).”] [Tweet “You aren’t going to be partying every waking minute of every day.”]

You are going to be living in busses and cafes, wondering when you can find enough internet to meet a tight deadline.

You are going to be repeatedly placed in physically and mentally uncomfortable situations which are constantly pushing your boundaries.

And you are still going to have to work really, really hard.

Accept that the lifestyle might not be as glamorous as you think.

But if you are OK with that and can understand that being a digital nomad comes with some serious drawbacks, get yourself ready for an amazing adventure.

As I’ve mentioned in my other digital nomad articles, the only thing you need to get started is some faith that it will all work out.

So have faith, go find yourself a digital nomad job, then get up, and go!

The world is waiting…

Are you a digital nomad? What are some common myths that you run up against when you tell people what you do? Share your experiences in the comments below!

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Authored By
Eric Michelson is a man of many hats. Not literally. He seldom wears hats. He is a traveler, writer, artist, and thinker. He is the founder of Perspective Earth - a meeting space for great minds to discuss the most important issues of the day. You can follow him and his work on Facebook and Twitter.

40 thoughts on “5 Debunked Myths About Being A Digital Nomad”

  1. Ganesh bhojwani

    Hi, Eric
    I just want to say wow, what an amazing post about ground realities of professional bloggers. as though I am a new blogger, my journey just begins still more yet to come. Well thanks for giving insights of a blogger, and great article.

  2. carl adam

    being a digital nomad is not easy.but glad I read this post here is so much information and I can relate to this easily.
    Great post. thanks for sharing.

  3. Jamie Rockers

    Hi Eric,

    This a great post. I have been looking for this post for a very long time and finally, I found your article. I have learned a lot of new things by reading this article. Thanks for sharing buddy!

    Keep posting great stuff.

  4. vinay

    There are lots of myths people will need to get cleared. Yes, blogging could make anybody rich but there’s a whole lot behind that.

    People today forget about the time and sweat a blogger invest merely to make everything happen. I like the way you throw your small business.

    An electronic nomad is what folks call mad till they see what is the ruling power along with the outcomes.

  5. James Barnhart

    I have to say that the number one ‘myth’ about being a digital nomad is that I am actually working less hours than I would as a typical office. we have a growing number of digital nomads using the platform to collaborate with their clients and remote teams worldwide. However, despite the growing popularity of the digital nomad lifestyle, there’s still quite a bit of mystery surrounding the actual ins and outs of everyday life for the digital nomad professional.

    1. Eric

      That’s a great point, James! Yes, it’s still a full-time (usually over time) thing. Any kind of internet work is kind of a “woo-woo” thing for a lot of people. It gets hard for people to conceptualize working like that. But it’s still a job, it’s still a career… Like I’ve said many times before, you won’t make a million dollars without a million dollars worth of work!

  6. Hrishikesh Patgiri

    Hi Eric,

    Great post. The post is full of truths and experience. Great courage to write it down.

    Keep up the good work Eric.

    Thanks and regards,

    1. Eric

      Thanks for the kind words, Hrishikesh… Keep it up!!!

  7. BongBakers

    Hi Eric,Great post Seriously. After reading your blog now i really got the clear idea!
    Thanks for sharing…… 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Eric

      Glad I could help. Keep it up!

  8. Ryan Biddulph

    Brilliant Eric 🙂 This is why I share the REST of the story when talking of my digital nomad exploits.

    I have been a digital nomad for 6 years. Circling the globe full time. I built my blog 3 years ago – the digital nomad one – and made it a point to stress the cool aspects of what I do, Blogging From Paradise aka tropical paradises, but also share the nightmares I have faced too. Including almost dying in India, fighting deadly snakes and bugs, living in a hut with an outhouse, and being attacked by wild men and lady boy prostitutes.

    Hey; we live a neat life. But with the sweet comes the sour, and I believe my transparency is one reason I’ve been featured on some world renowned sites as a digital nomad authority. I am freaking honest about the lifestyle 🙂

    1. Eric

      Thanks for checking in, Ryan.. Always good to hear your thoughts.

      Yeah, those are some scary experiences, and it’s definitely not the dream life many people think it is. But it’s great. I still love it. Glad you made it out alive!! Keep staying alive, sharing your thoughts, being honest, being an authority, and inspiring us 🙂 !!

  9. Liz

    You totally nailed it. Great post. I can relate to this. I work remotely, too! Some days are better than others….

    1. Eric

      I feel ya, Liz.. it’s a good life, but a hard life. Keep it up, you’re awesome!

  10. Lancelam

    Great post. I could relate to point number 2 especially as so much of what is shown on social media is just one side of the picture which is never really true.
    Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    1. Eric

      So true, Lancelam… Don’t ever forget that, and you’ll have a rock-solid perspective to keep up your motivation when you feel like others are doing better than you. Keep it up!!

  11. Ravi Chahar

    Hey Eric,

    There are many myths people need to get cleared. Yes, blogging can make anyone rich but there is a lot behind that.

    People forget about the time and sweat a blogger invest just to make everything happen. I like how you successfully forged your business.

    A digital nomad is what people call crazy until they see what’s the ruling power and the results.

    This post can inspire many.

    1. Eric

      Well said, Ravi. It’s often easy to forget that hard work is what makes a success. Don’t ever forget that!!! Keep it up!!!!

  12. Kjerstan

    Wow, great read. I’m kinda half a digital nomad… I have a house in a 3rd world country, where I have lived for 7 years, but I’m still on a tourist visa (90 days), love having the good internet at home, but it’s so difficult to find it traveling, and I have missed some amazing experiences because I have to work

    1. Eric

      Hey, Kjerstan! Great to hear about your experience. It sounds like you face the typical digital nomad problems, lol. Funny that you have a house but you still enter on a tourist visa!! Haha! That sounds about right… Keep it up!!!

  13. Susan Velez

    Hi Eric,

    I loved your story and you’re right, just because you’re a digital nomad, people will automatically think that you’re rich. That’s because most people only post the pictures that they want you to see.

    Like the beautiful scenery on the train. But when you turned the camera around, you gave us a glimpse of what you truly experienced.

    I love to travel and see new places. However, I don’t think that I have what it takes to be a digital nomad.

    Who knows what the future holds, but right now, I am pretty happy working from home. Plus the freedom that I get to work the hours that I choose.

    Thanks for sharing your adventures with us, it was a joy to read.

    Have a great day 🙂


    1. Eric

      Hey Susan, thanks for checking in! That’s totally cool that you know that the lifestyle may not be right for you. But if you want, you can always dip your toes in and try for a little bit. Set up a one-two week “working vacation”. You can see how that feels.

      I’m still young (not that young haha) so I can manage with the barebones level of travel that doesn’t cost me a fortune (because I’m not rich lol), but if you have the funds, you can plan out an experience for a week or two that is relatively comfortable and will allow you to experience both work and travel at the same time. You can check out digital nomad “hubs” like Bali or Thailand that have good scenery, good weather, good/cheap food, and relatively decent internet (in certain places). Only when you get really into traveling will you need to start sleeping on floors lol.

      But it’s up to you. Again, I say give it a shot, but all in all, if you’re happy doing what you’re doing, that’s the best :)… Keep it up!! Always good to hear from you!

  14. Arti

    Great post. I could relate to point number 2 especially as so much of what is shown on social media is just one side of the picture which is never really true (and which many people fail to realize)!

    1. Eric

      Glad you can recognize that, Arti. I often fall victim to this one. We all want that “perfect” life, but none of us are actually living it (even if we pretend we are). Keep it up!!

  15. Edward Thorpe

    Hi Eric & Harsh,

    I’ve followed this brilliant blog for some time because of the content’s value – among other reasons.

    Today’s post by ‘Eric’ is exceptionally well written, and will be used by aspiring online authors – at least by yours truly… Thanks for that.

    While the post was laden with insights gained by hands on experience, the following quote is the takeaway I’m sharing on Twitter:

    “You aren’t going to become a millionaire without a million dollars worth of work. That has never happened and will never happen.”

    Thank you,

    1. Eric

      Thanks for the kind words, Edward! I’m glad you liked the post (and the quote!!). Keep it up, and I hope you can learn to live a fulfilling digital nomad life!

  16. Mike

    I think it’s true for many people. The Internet is not good at many places, especially at tourist places. But maybe better planning and understanding of the place you wanna go can help.
    You cannot work and be a tourist at the same time. But you can manage the time. Being a good digital nomad means being a good manager. And yes work comes first else you lose your bearings.

    1. Eric

      Well said, Mike. It’s all about finding that work-life balance. And yes, if you plan your days around finding good internet, it can work out OK. But like you said, you can’t really be a tourist and a good worker at the same time…. There’s no internet in a remote village in China, but there is internet at a Starbucks in the closest city…

  17. Sweety Joshi

    So much of truth and personal experience in this post

  18. Saurabh Dubey

    I started reading shoutmeloud one month ago and their posts are amazing. I love to read this blog.
    I am not a digital nomad. I think so.

  19. Prasad Np

    So much of truth and personal experience in this post. Wisdom comes from actually experiencing a lot of things first hand. So glad you have busted the popular myths that are propagated by showing only the rosy side of the picture. Being a travel blogger myself ( a hobby one, not full time), I always took claims of everything is rosy in traveLALALand with a pinch of salt.

    1. Eric

      Well said, Prasad. Glad you can recognize the BS when you hear it. Keep it up, and I hope you can become a full-time travel blogger one day!

  20. Bloggerish


    I and my brother both are digital nomads. Now we both are enjoying holidays with our cousins and along with that, we are handling our freelance translation work too.

    We are having Internet in dongle. So we get 1 GB daily that is enough for us to work.

    We are enjoying family fun and also able to work anytime anywhere with only laptops and internet 🙂

    This is best job I could ever have.

    Thank you god for blessing us such jobs.


    1. Eric

      I’m glad you’re enjoying your time as a digital nomad! It sounds like you’ve got it going great… but we both know it’s not all perfect 😉 Thanks for checking in! Keep it up!

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