7 Best YouTube Giveaway Contest Ideas for content creators

  • Are you targeting to get your first 1000 YouTube subscribers?
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YouTube Giveaway Contest Ideas
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YouTube Giveaway contest is one of the best ways to attract new YouTube viewers, keep them engaged and grow your community from 0 to 1,000 to 100,000 to 1 Millions.

And in this article, I will share the best giveaway contest ideas that you can use to grow your YouTube channel. 

However, before going ahead, I would recommend you to go through the YouTube contest policy to avoid any legal issues against you or your channel.

Here are a few key points that you must focus on:

  1. It must be free to enter the giveaway contest.
  2. Have concrete rules that say when an entry is invalid and which discloses any sponsorship
  3. Prizes must be awarded as outlined in your rules, and your contest should be conducted according to them.
  4. Make sure you link to a privacy policy explaining how you’ll use the data you collect.
  5. You must clarify that YouTube doesn’t sponsor your giveaway and isn’t liable for it.

Remember that these rules are just the highlights of the YouTube policy. So, go through the policy yourself and ensure that your contest is following every rule required.

Now, if you are ready, let’s start with our list of YouTube giveaway contest ideas.

1. Subscribe to win contest

Subscribe to Win is the easiest giveaway that any YouTuber can start. In this contest, you ask your viewers to subscribe to your channel (and turn on the bell notifications) to enter the contest and get a chance to win a prize.

In this contest, you randomly select a winner among those subscribers who entered within your contest duration. 

Since this is the easiest giveaway contest, it is very common among new YouTubers. And most of these contests are fake and never reveal the winners and how they chose which results in less engagement further down the road, and you may lose the subscribers you gained from it.

So, to keep it transparent, make sure that you have a proper structure of how you will select a winner. The best way to win the trust of your new subscribers is to announce the winner during the live session. This way, you’ll be able to build credibility for your contest.

To see the recent subscribers,

  • Go to studio.youtube.com
  • Click on recent subscribers card
  • Click on view all, and you can sort the followers list based on recency
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2. Co-host a live session

If you already have a huge audience base on YouTube, people would love to get featured on your channel in one or other ways that can give them recognition in the industry.

In this contest, you can ask your viewers a question and the user with the best answers will get a chance to co-host the next episode, interview with an industry leader or anything related to your channel content.

3. Suggest a topic contest

For any content creator, their audience is the best source of content ideas, but sometimes you need to offer something to encourage your viewers to share their best ideas and what they would like to watch on your channel.

So, in this contest, you ask your viewers at the end of your videos or during live sessions to share what topic they would like you to cover in the next video or suggest some new content ideas. Then, you can choose the best ideas and announce the winners in the following video.

4. Recommend/Suggest the next guest

If you run a talk show on your YouTube channel, this is the best idea to engage your viewers and get them someone whom they want to listen to on your show.

You can organise this contest in different ways. Here are two ways that I can come up with at this moment-

  1. Vote for the next guest – You can pick a few names you think your viewers would love to watch on your channel and ask them to vote the person they would like to see next. This strategy can be useful if you have been trying to get a recognised personality in your show but couldn’t win him/her. You can use the statistics to show them how much your audience wants to see him on your channel.
  1. Mention the next guest – In this strategy, you can suggest a topic you want to cover in your next video and ask your viewers to recommend someone you should get in touch.

With this contest idea, it is unnecessary that you must get the recommended guest on your show, but you must try to keep your audience updated with where you are in the conversation with them. 

5. Activity during live sessions

In this contest, you can ask your viewers during live sessions to do some activities to enter the contest and announce the winner(s) at the end of the session.

Some activities that you can include during YouTube Live are as follows-

  • Ask relevant questions in the chatbox
  • Subscribe to your newsletter
  • Join the community
  • Follow on other social channels
  • Sign Up to your course (free or paid)

The best part of this contest is that the viewers stay engaged throughout the live session and keep them staying longer so that they can know the winners.

And the more your viewers engage on your live videos; the more YouTube pushes your videos in recommendation to most potential viewers.

6. Get a chance to be featured

If you are in self-development or personal building kind of space, your viewers would love to participate in this contest.

You are creating content that can help your viewers grow and perform better in personal and professional life. And I’m sure most of them would love to share their stories to inspire others – offer them the opportunity to put their perspective in front of your viewers.

Doing this, will not only help you build stronger relationships with your viewers but lets you back your claims and encourage viewers to keep up the excellent work and they will get to feel the success in whatever field they are pursuing. 

7. Guest posting opportunity

Are you a blogger?

Is your website popular in your community? Well, this giveaway contest idea is for you.

As a content creator, you must well know how people have to struggle with building personal brands from scratch, and guest blogging is one of the best ways to build their own powerful brand.

So, if you run a successful blog, you can offer the opportunity to beginners with skills and knowledge to publish guest posts or become a contributor on your website.

Basically, this contest is to build authority in the space by giving opportunities to those who are getting started and deserve a push to grow.

Wrapping Up

YouTube giveaway is a brilliant way to grow your channel and attract more subscribers, but it doesn’t have to be like that.

You should organise contests to engage your current audience base and get to know what they expect from you in a much more exciting way than just comments. If you will focus only on getting more subscribers rather than adding value to your existing ones, you may get new subs, but you may also lose old subscribers.

Remember, as a content creator, YouTube growth is not about the number of subscribers you gain but how engaging your audience base. So, going forward, pick the giveaway contest idea accordingly.

Do you have any YouTube Contest Ideas that you’ll like to add here? Let’s me know via the comments below.

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Authored By
Rahul is a staff writer at ShoutMeLoud. He is a Marketer and loves to share his marketing ideas and knowledge with the world.

1 thought on “7 Best YouTube Giveaway Contest Ideas for content creators”

  1. Hi there,
    I run a blog and have a YouTube site. I already accept guest posts and have a dedicated page on how to submit. Do you think it would be double dipping if I also ran a content on YouTube for a guest post given that they could just visit my site and submit one (assuming it meets my guidelines)? I loved this post BTW… great ideas.. Nikki

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